About Tail Trekkers
My name is Kim. I started this business in 2012 because of my dog Bear. He was a 12 lb chug I had rescued a year before. He had been a terrified and neglected dog, but with a lot of patience and confidence-buildling, which largely came from exposing him slowly to everything under the sun, Bear became quite the adventurer. He even hiked Mount Washington! He brought a level of joy and purpose to my life I had never had before.
But I learned that he spent the whole day sadly howling while I was at my desk job. This absolutely broke my heart. That day I quit my job and started Tail Trekkers, so my dog and dogs just like mine could have something to look forward to, a life, adventure, attention, friends. I believe dogs bonded to humans not just because of easy food access but because they share our love for novelty, companionship and rich experience, and I aim to give as much of it as I can.
My focus is not just on physical exercise. I work with all kinds of dogs, from active players to leisurely sniffers, to dogs that just love a good sunbath in an open field. Any dog can benefit from this service, size does not matter!
This is my full time job, and I pride myself in commiting my life to improving the lives of as many dogs as I can. I would love to add your dog to that list.